Here is the finished project:
Happy Halloween
by La-D-Da
2009 JCS Halloween Issue
32ct Copper Penny Permin Linen
WDW: Onyx & Terra Cotta
Trimmed with Black Rick Rack
Filled with crushed glass
This was the first time I've sewn rick rack into a seam instead of on top of a piece. Actually, the last time I touched rick rack was on an apron I did in Home Ec. in Grade 9! I found a post on how to do it online...don't you just love Google! I thank my lucky stars for it every time I go to finish an ornament. I also thank all of you out there who take the time to post tutorials with my whole heart. :-D
I first backed the linen with muslin before sewing it together because of the crushed glass I used to fill it. I found that great stuff at my local quilting shop. I think it turned out pretty cute! My finishing is getting better, and I'm trying different ways of finishing instead of a pillow ornament all the time.
I'm glad this was a tiny piece as the Permin was HORRIBLE to stitch on! The tension was all loosey, goosey. Even in a hoop! It's too bad because the colour is fabulous! I have a 13 x 17 piece left over if anyone wants to try it. Leave a comment in this post and I'll draw a name and mail it to the lucky "winner"! Good more ways than one!
Happy Stitching and Good Luck!