Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Vegas, Baby!!!

I haven't posted since Saturday because I came down with a case of bronchitis. Therefore, I haven't got much stitching done this week either. I managed to finish the first giraffe on Mes Girafe. I'm going to add beads for the eyes and horns when I'm finished all the stitching.

On a high note DD and her grade 7 basketball team won first in their tournament yesterday and DD also came away with the MVP title! I was so excited and pleased. They played like a well oiled machine!

Tomorrow I'm off to meet DH in Vegas! Woo Hoo!!! He's down there for the Builder's Show so I can hardly wait. I love Vegas. I'm also excited to visit Stitcher's Paradise while I'm down there. It is supposed to be a fabulous shop. I'm going to stock up on overdyed fibres and fabrics when I go there. I've made myself a list.

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